Friday, September 3, 2010

Bible Introductions by the Junior Class

To me, the Bible is a gift. It’s our tool from God to know Him better. It’s kind of like the textbook to life. I go to the Bible for answers, for comfort, for promises. It is the “lamp unto my feet and the light unto my path.” It’s like the little key into finding out who our God of love really is.
Molly M

When I was young, the Bible seemed like more of a chore than enjoyment. At that time, I never really understood what being a Christian was and who our Savior really was. Now when I look back on those days I laugh because I was such a fool. The Bible is a gift from our Heavenly Father. The bible is never something we should look at in the morning or in the evening and think “Dang it, I should really read something in there.” The Bible has something for every age, every mood, and every emotion. That’s the beauty of the Bible! You will never come to a day where there is nothing for you in it, you will never come to a day when you cannot take away something. The thing is though, you have to want to read, you have to have that desire or else it’s going to be boring at times and its’ not going to seem as fun as watching the new Brad Pitt movie (I would know, for real) When I read the Bible at night I go to the back and find verses to look at a that address what I am feeling that day. Guess what? It always has it! There is always somebody or some story or some verse that is addressing my exact problem, in different words. I love the Bible, to me it is more sacred than anything we have on this earth, because it is inspired by God; in other words, it comes from His very mouth.

If you’re looking for peace, hope, security, love and joy you picked up the right book. If you are hungry, thirsty, hurting, scared, lonely, or tired, you have picked up the right book. I f you need encouragement, forgiveness, help, or anything to get you through life you have picked up the right book. If you need a Savior, you have picked up the right book.

The Bible is a wonderful book that should be cherished by the hearts of everyone. Everyone has their own opinion of what the Bible means. I am no exception.
I believe that the Bible is a description of God’s character. It is an insight on how much has been sacrificed for our redemption. The Bible is a teller of history both past, present, and future. It shows the loving jealousy of the God that wants our love. It is the guide to the heavenly Father who knows us, and shows us how to know Him just as well. It tells us of the deceptive one who wishes his same fate upon us, and of the one who hopes we run to Him so that He may shield us from our original fate as sinners. It shows us how we should treat others in honor of the way that God has so sparingly treated us. It Is the guide to the gift we should accept.
The Bible to me is a book of reminding us of how much God loves us. He loved us so much that He gave His only son to save us from our sins before we even committed them. The Bible is the book of salvation and without it we would know nothing about God. The Bible reveals God’s character, so that we may see how much God loves us. It helps me remember the seventh day and to keep it holy and teaches me to be a better person.

My edges are tattered,
The outcome obscure
My pieces are scattered
But I feel so secure.
This puzzle I am is one huge mess
Why even bother?
Sometimes even I second guess…
I doubted, I cried
God answered, “You’ll be fine…
I’ve given you this Bible to be your guide;
Your life is my design.”
This book shows me the direction
My life with God will be fine.
It opens my eyes to His sacrifice and resurrection
And that’s why the Bible means so much to me.

The Bible is an ever present help in trouble. It is a window Jesus Christ can be seen through. It is an arrow pointing down the path to the way, the truth, and the life. It is good advice and words of wisdom. It’s the greatest story ever written. The Bible is a love letter from God. It is a map to the treasure of heaven. It teaches the gospel message. It’s a prophesy and a warning. It’s God’s love for the world written in word form. It is the bread and water of life. It’s history of the past and hope for the future. The Bible is full of morals and lessons. It is an invitation to a party only some people will attend. It is a song. It is a record of God’s miracles and wonders. The Bible is truth.

The purpose of the Bible is to show us what God is like. It is also the story of how our world began and how God created man and it shows how sin came to be. The Bible is our map showing God’s plan to rescue and restore us to what God originally intended us to be. Also, the Bible informs us of what has happened in the past and prepares us for what is to come in the future which is eternity with God. The Bible shows how we were lost and how we can get found.

To me the Bible is an escape. In times of trouble and even in happiness, the Bible brings me back to God. It helps me center Him in everyday life. Right now, I believe I have a very strong relationship with God but I find myself wanting more. And I believe that’s where Bible comes in handy. When you feel like you want more, go to the Bible. I’m in the process of reading the Bible because I know God is calling me to walk with Him deeper into our relationship but I’m having a hard time doing so. I usually find a verse that helps me out a lot, but I want to know the Bible. I don’t want to use it just for the verses, I want something more. I want to know all the stories and I want to discover more about God’s character. Over all, the Bible is my anchor. I feel most close to God when I read the Bible because I feel as if He is showing me something.

This book contains answers. The meaning of life, the nature of man, and the beginning of the world to the end are all addressed. This book gives meaning to the wanderers, and hope to the drowning. This book gives insight to the scholars, and wisdom to the wise. This book gives encouragement to the confused and strength to the weary. In this book the bewildered are given direction. Battles have been waged for t it, but not sanctioned by it. Death and struggles have placed it in your hands. It has been scorned by some, but will one day be honored by all. Read it carefully, consciously, and cognitively. It is filled with many things and above all else it is filled with love.

The Bible is a useful guide to me. It’s a love letter from God to His children. The Bible has a way of cheering me up, giving me hope, and keeps me from never giving up. The Bible also helps me gain insight to Christ character, and His love. It lets know that Christ wants me to spend time with Him so I can develop a relationship with Him. The Bible is also an armor that I should wear for battle against evil forces. Finally the Bible means grace.

The Bible can so easily be taken for granted. It wasn’t until recently that I discovered how personal the Bible is. The Bible is God’s letter to me. When I read the Bible can read the words of my Father. The Bible is something that was written for every person that has ever lived. It tells the stories of the fallen, the forgiven, and the faithful. It is every kid’s dream and every adult’s answers - - one big story book! The story of the Creator, the story of people, and the story of the future. Its something I can depend on. This is the Bible to me; the face of God, the heart of Jesus, and the voice of the Holy Spirit.

The Bible is more than a book filled with inspiring words. The Bible is God’s own words to all people. God created the Bible for a significant purpose. To me, the purpose of the Bible is for us to know God and light the path unto righteousness. The Bible fully portrays God’s loving character to us. If we know God’s character and who He is we will come to Him and fall in love with Him. The Bible also leads us to God’s path. It is clear that the Bible’s purpose it to bring us back to our loving God.

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